2010,Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites
글로벌 Advertise를 위한 소시얼 북마킹 사이트 2010/3 탑 20 리스트.
Here are the 20 Largest Social Bookmarking Websites ranked by a combination of Inbound Links, Alexa Rank, and U.S. traffic data from Compete and Quantcast.
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소시얼 북마크로 활용하고는 있지만 원래 소시얼북마크 목적으로 개발된것이 아닌데 엉뚱하게 마케팅쪽으로 이용도가 더 높아지는경우가 종종 이있는데 트위터가 그경우가 아닌가 생각된다.
해외 마케팅을 하는분들게 도움되었으면 하는생각으로 올려봅니다.
방문자 순위별 랭킹을 나타내는 업데이트 날자는 2010/03 이다.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites ,Update:2010/03
760,750,806 - Inbound Links
23,579,044 Compete Monthly Visitors 28,000,000 Quantcast Monthly Visitors 13 - Alexa Ranking.
383,598,000 - Inbou
nd Links 33,433,760 - Compete Monthly Visitors 11,400,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 183 - Alexa Ranking.
3 Yahoo! Buzz
20,031,000 - Inbound Links 8,119,906 - Compete Monthly Visitors 3,600,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors NA - Alexa Ranking.
4 tweetmeme.com
422,863 - Inbound Links 18,244,542 - Compete Monthly Visitors 2,300,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 1,898 - Alexa Ranking.
234,000,000 - Inbound Links 4,418,609 - Compete Monthly Visitors 1,100,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 362 - Alexa Ranking.
Top 20 Social Bookmarking Websites
161,685,000 - Inbound Links 4,908,990 - Compete Monthly Visitors 1,300,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 441 - Alexa Ranking.
175,287,000 - Inbound Links 3,309,174 - Compete Monthly Visitors 2,000,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 662 - Alexa Ranking.
427,665,000 - Inbound Links 1,623,083 - Compete Monthly Visitors 317,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 2,476 - Alexa Ranking.
2,600,000 - Inbound Links 3,941,212 - Compete Monthly Visitors 2,500,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 1,694 - Alexa Ranking.
16,005,000 - Inbound Links 879,108 - Compete Monthly Visitors 2,200,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 645 - Alexa Ranking.
11 Propeller.com
5,725,000 - Inbound Links 1,164,549 - Compete Monthly Visitors 624,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 1,801 - Alexa Ranking.
12 newsvine.com
71,708,775 - Inbound Links 1,142,779 - Compete Monthly Visitors 1,300,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 5,545 - Alexa Ranking.
13 Fark.com
36,162,723 - Inbound Links 652,762 - Compete Monthly Visitors 1,300,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 4,119 - Alexa Ranking.
14 Slashdot.org
37,566,035 - Inbound Links 862,416 - Compete Monthly Visitors 404,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 970 - Alexa Ranking.
343,090 - Inbound Links 1,062,304 - Compete Monthly Visitors 188,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 19,592 - Alexa Ranking.
16 clipmarks.com
461,141 - Inbound Links 379,354 - Compete Monthly Visitors 507,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 6,330 - Alexa Ranking.
3,867,009 - Inbound Links 281,098 - Compete Monthly Visitors 208,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 7,002 - Alexa Ranking.
1,437,453 - Inbound Links 159,051 - Compete Monthly Visitors 244,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 6,198 - Alexa Ranking.
19 blinklist.com
51,912,576 - Inbound Links 86,650 - Compete Monthly Visitors 44,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 10,985 - Alexa Ranking.
20 diigo.com
8,933,453 - Inbound Links 146,144 - Compete Monthly Visitors 30,000 - Quantcast Monthly Visitors 7,569 - Alexa Ranking
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