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세계 각국 인터넷 속도 비교 결과
한국이 세계 1위 스피드 왕 이라고 한다.

스웨덴의 웹 컨설팅 업체인 핑덤(pingdom.com )에서는 개인및 단체의 트래픽 컨설팅을 서비스하며 이 과정에서 얻는 노하우로 세계 각국 온라인 유저의 브라우저 사용분포와 각국 인터넷 속도 표준을 지난해 50개 국가의 인터넷 평균 접속 속도를 체크하고 결과를 공개했다.

개인 웹사이트 트래픽 속도 체크방법
붉은색 글씨는 자기 웹사이트 주소임

속도 체크 결과는 한국이 17메가비트(Mbit)로서 세계 여타 국가의 속도를 앞도적인 차이로 1위에 마크 되고 있다.
이 회사는 우리나라를 가르켜서 잘 알려져 있는 대로 Internet speed king 이라고 소개하고 있다.

아래에 원문그대로 올려 본다.

Average connection speeds
세계 각국의 인터넷 접속 평균 속도 비교 
1위 "한국" ~ 꼴지 "이란" 까지 

Before we go on to see how each country’s connection speeds are distributed, let’s look at the average connection speed for each country.

As we mentioned before, the number you see within parenthesis next to each country is its worldwide rank in terms of Internet users, i.e. its size on the Internet. The chart is sorted by the average connection speed. 

Some observations:

  • South Korea, as is well known, is something of an Internet speed king, and that’s made abundantly clear in this chart. At an average connection speed of almost 17 Mbit/s it thoroughly outclasses the competition.
  • China, although the largest country on the Internet, still lags behind when it comes to Internet connection speeds. Its average of 0.86 Mbit/s is far below the world average of 1.8 Mbit/s (see below).
  • And speaking of China, Hong Kong, technically a part of China but separated in most surveys for statistical purposes, is clearly far ahead of its mother country. With Hong Kong’s average connection speed of 8.6 Mbit/s, it’s second only to South Korea.
  • It’s also interesting that all three top positions are in Asia.
  • Of the top 10 in this “speed list,” three are from Asia, and seven from Europe.
  • Canada beats the United States, barely, with 4.7 Mbit/s versus 4.6 Mbit/s.

    꼴지는" 이란" 

Worldwide averages

The average connection speed for Internet users worldwide, not just among these 50 countries, but all countries, is an average of 1.8 Mbit/s. As an average, this is actually pretty good, but as you’ve seen, there are plenty of extremes in either direction.

And here’s how the various connection speeds are distributed. Once again, this is not among these 50 countries, this is for the world seen as a whole (from Akamai’s perspective).

Internet connection speed distribution worldwide

It’s quite encouraging that as many as 22% of the connections are 5 Mbit/s or faster, and even more that more than half of all connections are 2 Mbit/s or faster.

Connection speed distribution

Now on to the prettiest of these charts… What you see here below is how the connection speeds of each country are distributed, just as in the worldwide chart. It’s great for giving you a good overview of the situation in each country, since an overall average can only tell you so much.

Internet connection speed distribution in 50 countries
The country list is sorted by average connection speed.

As this chart shows, the slowest connection types (less than 256 kbit/s) have almost been eradicated in many countries. However, in many developing nations these still make up a significant portion of the connections.

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